Nov 9, 2016

I thought

I thought
By knowing more and more
I'll know you
But you told me to forget all
And what is left was you

I practiced and searched and discussed
To find about you
But you told me
To keep quiet and forget the thoughts
And what was left was you

Then I sang and praised you
And worshiped and offered you flowers
But that I realized you need none
So I smiled and that was you

Nov 7, 2016

Big things

Big things
we hope to achieve
ministers and leaders
to be we believe
will bring joy
and peace
and worry

But the truth be told
on small things, if we hold
a smile
a pat on the back
some bread in the sack
the kiss from a son
with a friend some fun
a joke from your pal
all this truly shall
hit a home run.