Nov 13, 2012

End of the world

“What about the end of the world?” I asked my friend.

He laughed and laughed like I never saw somebody laughed before.

“Think of it”, he said. “If you were God and you created so many people in such a beautiful world, would you just destroy them all? Would would wipe out the amazing nature all around. Even if, let’s assume, some people would deserve to be destroyed (but this is debatable as most of the people are bad only out of ignorance) what about the others? What about the little children or the animals and the plants? What bad things did they do?”

“Just close your eye”, my friend said and I did. “Imagine a huge tree, bigger than anything you saw before. A tree with roots spreading over large distances on the earth. The trunk so tall that would go up to the clouds and above. The branches spread all over the sky. Connecting earth and heaven.”

I could see the tree so clear. But I could hardly see its top so tall it was. Its trunk was so wide as I couldn’t figure out how wide. And that tree was really connecting earth and heaven. But he was not far, it was so close...

“Yes that is in you, my friend. The tree is in you, it is part of you. And knowing the tree is the end of our world indeed. But at the same time the beginning of a new one where everyone has access to heaven. Everybody who wants it, that is. And the tree you see is the tree we all have inside. With its help we can reach the heaven.”

"Just like the 'Jack and the beanstalk'", I said.

My friend laughed again. "Yes, exactly like that. Except there is not giant waiting for you up there. Just the treasure..."


Here the pictures my daughters drew for me "out of the blue":

Oct 27, 2012

30 Days of Gratitude…Are You In?

Hi! I like you already. Yes, wonderful you. You are taking the time to learn more about being grateful. I get it. I hope you do too. Check it out…

The Challenge

Starting November 1st, I’m challenging everyone to journal 30 days of gratitude. All you have to do is write down five things you’re grateful for each day of November. You can use an old notebook, my app, keep a photo journal with Instagram; it doesn’t matter! Just be sure to write something each day.
The challenge will last until November 30th and anyone can join at anytime. The goal is to have everyone start on November 1st, but some might not discover this challenge until later. That’s cool. Start when you can.

Oct 9, 2012


kids are

more open
more loving
more forgiving
more friendly

than us

who should learn from whom then

Sep 21, 2012


I worked for the Lord
and, in my ignorance,
I thought of asking a reward.

My Lord laughed at my request:
I created you, I gave you a shelter,
Wife and kids,
Food and water,
Earth, air and sky.

And then we both laughed...

Aug 14, 2012

Jul 31, 2012

My friend

I told my dearest friend
-Come, I’ll show you how to run!
-I don’t want to offend
But running is no fun
I tried it this morning
And ended up in pain
It came out to nothing
Don’t want to try it again

-Let me show you how to fly
You can do it if you try
-Fly?!? What you think I am a bee
No my friend, just give me peace
Up the sky is not for me
Nothing there that I would miss.

-How about a trip to heaven?
Now my friend just looked at me
And he counted up to seven
-You have lost it I can see
Heaven, hell and so alike
They are not, nor here nor there
Better go and take a hike
I’m not going anywhere.

Jul 23, 2012

Visit at Wendy's

Being an immigrant and speaking with an accent can give you unexpected adventures sometimes.

I visited Wendy's for the first time alone. It took me around ten minutes to choose something from their menu.

I decided to go with something simple so I have no surprises: "Spicy chicken caesar salad".

I sat in the line and I was happy they were only 3-4 people in front of me. Well, I was happy too early because it took me around 30 minutes to get in front of the line. I have no idea what took so long...

Jul 22, 2012


I went bowling to a new places with a friend.

I asked the guy selling tickets: "how do you pay, by the hour?"

"No", he said, "by the game."

"How long does a game takes usually?" I asked.

"If there are two of you, around 10 minutes."

"Cool", I said, "let's take 3 games because those will take around..."

"Around an hour" said the guy...

Jul 20, 2012


Forgive me lord
For I have sinned

Lord laughed
You don't need my forgiveness
You are like a
Who not aware of
Jumps from one
To another

What should I do
Just take a bath
In the river
And stay away from
The puddles

Jul 19, 2012

Life is like a box of chocolates... never know what you gonna get!

Or is it?

Who sows wind reaps storm…

Or does he?

Know thyself…

You will know the truth and that will set you free...


Life is like a police investigation. Few facts, maybe a murder or just a simple theft.

Jun 15, 2012

sound of silence

(received by email - author unknown)

There once was a farmer who discovered that he had lost his watch in the barn. It was no
ordinary watch because it had sentimental value for him. After searching high and low among
the hay for a long while; he gave up and enlisted the help of a group of children playing
outside the barn.

He promised them that the person who found it would be rewarded.

Hearing this, the children hurried inside the barn, went through and around the entire stack
of hay but still could not find the watch. Just when the farmer was about to give up looking
for his watch, a little boy went up to him and asked to be given another chance.

The farmer looked at him and thought, "Why not? After all, this kid looks sincere enough."

So the farmer sent the little boy back in the barn. After a while the little boy came out with
the watch in his hand! The farmer was both happy and surprised and so he asked the boy how he
succeeded where the rest had failed.

The boy replied, "I did nothing but sit on the ground and listen. In the silence, I heard the
ticking of the watch and just looked for it in that direction."

Jun 9, 2012

Kids are from heaven - paperback

and here it is:

"Kids are from heaven" real book. As it is print-on-demand, I had to order it just like everybody else.

One would not believe that half a year of work will result in such a small book :-). I was expecting to have at least 300 pages.

Jun 8, 2012

why to write

A friend told me he couldn't write books and what would be the point anyway.

I told it does not matter if you know how to write, to write books (look at me, I said :-) )

To write you need something to be passionate about and be crazy enough to believe you can change the world for the good.

And spend the time writing down how that can happen.

Grammar and style comes after that in importance.

And never think you will be successful (as most probably you will not). With 1 million new books every year, chances to win are similar to those winning a lottery.

He said he will stick to the lottery for now...

May 3, 2012

May 1, 2012


below ancient oaks
full of flowers
a cherry youngling

Apr 30, 2012

Apr 18, 2012

half asleep

half asleep in the westbound train.
a bird flies the sky
and pities me

Apr 17, 2012


silently, helping the
grass grow
a sun ray

what are the books good for?

Are the books good for us?

One would say obviously: Yes! But why?

What is their use?

Some of them are obviously useful: cooking books - help us eat better, technical books - teach us to fix stuff, map books - help us go places.

But about some others, the answer is not that simple.

Is a leadership book teach us to be good leaders? I know for sure that is not true for all as I read some of them and I am no leader of any kind.

Are the books about raising kids teaching us about how to raise a kid? Maybe if you consider practical things, like what type of milk to use and when to introduce food to a newborn, and so forth. But when it comes to important stuff like how to build a true relationship between the parent and the kid, or how to deal with the son's or daughter's teenager years, book are mostly useless. The reality is different than the book even only from the fact that each family is different.

Do the books about spirituality teach you more about the spirituality? I did not find any yet. Yes, the teach you about religion, about the rites, about the saints. But they do not teach you anything useful about YOUR spirituality, about your own individual path. That you have the walk alone and it is not clear if books help.

If you visit plan to mountain, like Himalayas, should you read a book about it? Only if it teaches you practical things like what tracks to take and how to camp. But does it really help if you read about the beauty of the mountain, about the silence it give to your thoughts or about the happiness it brings to your soul?

Reading about music helps us enjoy the music more?

Reading about playing tennis helps us play better?

Does reading lots of books really make you smarter or screws up your brain that you know and understand less?

And maybe more important, does a book make your wiser? Help you know you better? Help you?

I honestly don't know...

Apr 5, 2012

haiku on the train

the saga continues :-)

young rocker on the right
music for everybody
generous person

check the magazine

Apr 4, 2012


A guy asked:

@poet on the go: how come your words don’t
rhyme? What a crime! Spareadime

I replied:

poem with no rhyme
is no crime
poem just for rhyme
that's a big crime
-poet on the go

Apr 3, 2012

trip with the local train

lady on the right plays on iPhone
man on the left on his DS
new kids on the train

Mar 28, 2012

Proceed - haiku collection

Inline image 1We have launched a new volume containing a collection of over 200 haiku about nature, animals, lotuses, etc.

You can order it in paperback, on Amazon Kindle or as a PDF.

Have a look here:

I hope you will enjoy it!

Mar 20, 2012

Mar 16, 2012

the bus

running after the bus
lost the bus
sun still shining


Mar 8, 2012


Walking down the path
I can't refrain to laugh
We are all so serious
Some are so mysterious
We pretend the way we know
When we're walking in a row
But the funny thing it is
None of us have any clue
Where we're going, why and how
But it's sure we'll find somehow
That the way is clear and true
But not down or up or side
It's just straight and deep inside

Feb 15, 2012

Feb 13, 2012

I know little

I know not
What I am doing here
Nor where I come from
Where I go

I just follow you
Going in your
Is enough
For me

Feb 6, 2012

Alicia and White Angel

 The saga continues!

Find out more about the girl from Alicia and Little Star, about her journey towards the meaning of life. Her life and yours as well.

Alicia and White Angel is the story of Alicia and her adventures to find her true destiny.

During her search, Alicia has an amazing companion: White Angel.

He is there all the time to provide assistance.

He is there for her.

He is there to help her find herself. (more)


When I was a very little girl, and still slept in a cot, I used to have a recurrent dream which I remember to this day. It went like this: I was in a beautiful, golden, shining place, and somehow all the others there had bodies of light – they were almost like stars. (more)

Linda Williams (author of the fantasy trilogy, The Awakening of Navi Septa)


“Alicia and White Angel” introduces a new, deeper perspective of Little Star's self-discovery journey from “Alicia and Little Star”. (more)

Michael Kastellorizios (USA)


“Alicia and White Angel” is another precious and delicate little story destined to win the hearts of readers. (more)

Rabi Ghosh (India)

Feb 3, 2012


The news distribution is broken
Each piece is about other people
Why do I care? Why would I care?
I would like the news to be only
About me

How did I do yesterday
How many steps forward
How many backward
Did I win any points
Did I lose any

Jan 23, 2012

Jan 20, 2012

Jan 18, 2012

2012 - starsitul lumii? Nuu, doar inceputul

original post here

De-a lungul istoriei, in fiecare an, in fiecare era, evenimente au fost rezultatul actiunilor oamenilor.

Copernic a descoperit ca Pamantul e rotund, Columb a descoperit America, Einstein teoria relativitatii si recent omul a trimis roboti pe Marte.

2012 va fi un an diferit.

Si oamenii nu vor mai avea nimic de a face cu asta. Lucruri se vor intampla de la sine.

Oameni care nu au scris in viata lor un articol vor incepe sa scrie carti. Oameni necredinciosi vor incepe sa vorbeasca despre Dumnezeu.

In timp ce inca avem liberul arbitru si inca putem face un dezastru din viata noastra, cum am tot facut timp de zeci de mii de ani - nu va mai fi asa usor. Nu pentru ca nu vom mai putea. Vom putea.

Ci pentru ca prima oara in istorie vom incepe sa ne intelegem pe noi insine. Vom intelege care e rostul pentru care suntem aici, care ne este rolul, obiectivul, telul.

Va fi mai putina ura si mai multa iubire. Si nu pentru ca cineva ne va fi tinut o prelegere, sau pentru ca vom fi citit o carte despre asta, ci pentru ca ura nu va mai avea nici un sens.

A-i face pe altii sa sufere va parea exact asa cum de fapt si este: ceva rau.

Valul ignorantei va fi  dat la o parte de briza racoroasa a Divinitatii.

Cand cineva face ceva rau, este 100% din ignoranta. Asa zisele noastre pacate sunt tot din ignoranta. Si ignoranti suntem 100%.

Asa cum nu poti fi suparat cand un orb se ciocneste de tine, tot asa si Divinul nu este suparat atunci cand facem greseli dupa greseli.

Fiecare greseala a fost o lectie.

Fiecare mlastina in care am trait ne-a facut sa apreciem frumusetea curateniei, a oceanului albastru.
Fiecare viata intunecata pe care am avut-o ne-a facut sa apreciem fiecare rasarit.

Si 2012 va fi anul rasaritului.

Chiar daca norii vor continua sa acopere cerul constiintei noastre, ei nu vor putea ascunde lumina Divinitatii.

2012 e chiar sfarsitul unei lumi, asa cum o stim. Si asta e un lucru bun.

Lumea noastra plina de ura, razboaie, politicieni corupti, oameni de afaceri lacomi, familii ravasite, copii abandonati - va lua sfarsit. Durerea, boala, foamea, dezastrele naturale nu reprezinta darurile pe care Divinul le avea pregatite pentru noi.

O lumea noua va aparea, incet, incet. Una in care vom incepe sa vedem, una in care vom incepe sa intelegem.

Nici o persoana nu e diferita de cealalta, nici o religie nu e mai buna decat alta, nici o persoana nu e mai bogata sau saraca, pentru ca mostenirea fiecaruia dintre noi este lumea intreaga.

2012 va fi un an bun, dar nu la fel de bun ca 2013, care la randul sau nici nu se va compara cu 2014.

Fiecare zi va fi mai buna decat precedenta, chiar daca nu am observa acest lucru. Insa vom observa.

Gandurile rele vor disparea, si va disparea chiar si originea lor. Ele nu ne-au apartinut niciodata, asa incat nu avem de ce sa fim acuzati in vreun fel, sau sa ne simtim vinovati.

Caci nu stiam ce se intampla, pentru ca ochii nostri nu erau in regula.

Asa cum o camera defocalizata nu poate inregistra corect un film, si nu din vina ei, asa si noi suntem in dezacord cu realitatea. Dar nu pentru mult timp.

Maestrul muzician lucreaza pentru a ne acorda, pentru a ne ajusta pentru ca muzica cerurilor sa fie cantata prin noi.

Vom incepe sa facem lucruri pe care nu am crezut ca le putem face. Unii dintre noi vom scrie carti si vom fi atat de uimiti de continutul lor,  incat nu-l vom recunoaste ca fiind al nostru.  Unii vor canta la instrumente muzicale, altii vor avea o voce frumoasa.

Dar mai mult decat atat, vom incepe sa ne bucuram de viata. Totul va avea sens, pentru prima data. Viata va avea sens, fiecare zi va fi vesela.

Ce altceva ne-am mai putea dori?

Ce am putea face? Nimic, doar sa ne bucuram de calatorie, sa ne bucuram de simfonia pe care Creatorul o compune, chiar acum in timp ce stam aici de vorba.

traducerea Catalin Nedelcu

2012 - la fine? Naa, solo l'inizio

original post here

Attraverso la storia, ogni anno, ogni epoca ha i suoi eventi prodotti per lo più dalle persone.

Copernico ha scoperto che la Terra e' rotonda, Colombo l'America, Einstein ha messo insieme la teoria della relatività e, recentemente, l'uomo robot e' sbarcato su Marte.

2012 sarà un tipo diverso di anno.

E la gente non ha nulla a che fare con esso. Le cose cominciano ad accaderci spontaneamente.

La gente che non ha mai scritto un articolo iniziera' a scrivere libri. Le persone non religiose inizieranno a parlare di Dio.

Anche se abbiamo ancora il nostro libero arbitrio, mentre possiamo ancora fare un casino della nostra vita come abbiamo fatto per decine di migliaia di anni, questo non sarà più così facile. Non perché non si può. Ma ora Siamo in grado, bene.

Perché per una volta nella storia inizieremo la comprensione di noi stessi. Capiremo qual è il punto di essere qui, qual è il nostro ruolo, il nostro obiettivo, il nostro scopo.

Odio sara' di meno, l'amore sarà di più. E non perché qualcuno ce lo ha predicato o perché abbiamo letto un libro su di esso. Ma perché l'odio non ha più senso.

Ferire altre persone, ovviamente, viene visto come realmente è: qualcosa di brutto.

Il fumo dell ignoranza sarà lentamente rimosso dalla brezza fresca della divinità.

Quando si fa qualcosa di male, è al 100% per ignoranza. I nostri peccati sono così chiamati anche a causa della nostra ignoranza. E noi siamo ignoranti, 100%.

Visto che non siamo sconvolti quando un cieco inciampa in noi, cosi', la divinità non è arrabbiata con noi quando commettiamo un errore, poi un errore, poi un altro.

Ogni errore era una lezione da imparare.

Ogni palude che abbiamo vissuto in noi ci ha fatto apprezzare la bellezza del pulito, blu oceano.

Ogni vita oscura che abbiamo vissuto, ci ha fatto apprezzare la bellezza di un'alba.

E il 2012 sarà l'anno del sorgere del sole.

Anche se le nuvole coprono il cielo della nostra coscienza, non possono nascondere la luce della

2012 è veramente la fine del mondo come lo conosciamo. E questa è una buona cosa.

Il nostro mondo pieno di odio, guerre, politici corrotti, uomini d'affari avidi, famiglie rovinate, bambini abbandonati , sta per finire. Il dolore, malattie, fame, disastri naturali non è ciò che la divinità voleva per noi.

Un nuovo mondo sta lentamente arrivando. Quello in cui inizieremo a vedere, quello in cui capiremo.

Nessuna persona è diversa da un altro, nessuna religione è più religiosa rispetto alle altre.. Nessuna persona è più ricco o più povero, poiche' tutti noi abbiamo il mondo in eredità.

2012 sarà un anno buono, ma non buono come il 2013 che sara' nulla in confronto al 2014. Uno migliore dell altro precedente.

Ogni giorno sarà un giorno migliore di quello precedente, anche se uno non se ne rende neanche conto. Ma poi lo realizzera'.

I pensieri cattivi andranno via cosi' come l'origine dei cattivi pensieri scomparira'. Non sono mai appartenuti a noi quindi non siamo da biasimare o sentirsi in colpa.

Noi non sapevamo perche i nostri occhi non erano nel giusto ordine.

Come una camera la cui messa a fuoco non e' in grado di registrare correttamente un video per suo difetto o altro, allo stesso modo non siamo in sintonia con la realtà. Non per molto però.

Il musicista è fuori al lavoro per regolare noi, regolare noi in modo che la musica dei cieli possa essere riprodotta attraverso di noi.

Inizieremo a fare le cose che non abbiamo mai pensato che avremmo potuto. Alcuni di noi scrivono libri e si meraviglieranno dei contenuti come se non fossero propri. Alcuni suoneranno strumenti musicali, alcuni canteranno magnificamente.

Ma più di questo, inizieremo a godere la vita. Tutto avra' un senso, per la prima volta. Ogni giorno sarà gioioso. Che altro c'è da volere?

Che cosa dovremmo fare? Niente, semplicemente godersi il viaggio, godetevi la sinfonia che il Compositore sta scrivendo mentre parliamo.

Ognuno di noi è né più né meno che uno strumento del brano musicale che il Creatore sta componendo.

(tradotto da Radha Roberta So)

warming our lives

warming our lives
and hearts daily
the sun

Jan 17, 2012

Jan 16, 2012

2012 - the end? Nop, just the beginning

photo by Tim Cornett

Through the history, each year, each era had its events done mostly by people.

Copernicus found out the Earth to be round, Columbus discovered America, Einstein put together the theory of relativity and recently man landed robots on Mars.

2012 will be a different kind of year.

And people will have nothing to do with it. Things will start happening to us.

People that never wrote an article will start writing books. Nonreligious people will start talking about God.

While we still have our free will, while we can still make a mess of our lives as we did for tens of thousands of years, this will not be as easy anymore. Not because we can't. We can, alright.

Because for once in the history we'll start understanding ourselves. We'll understand what is the point of being here, what is our role, our aim, our purpose.

Hate will be less, love will be more. And not because somebody preached it to us or because we read a book about it. Just because hate will not make sense anymore.

Hurting other people will obviously look as it really is: something bad.

The smoke of ignorance will be slowly removed by the cool breeze of Divinity.

When one does something bad, it is 100% out of ignorance. Our so called sins are also because of our ignorance. And ignorant we are, 100%.

As you are not upset when a blind man bumps into you, divinity is not mad at us when we make a mistake, after mistake, after mistake.

Each mistake had a lesson to be learned.

Each swamp we lived in made us appreciate the beauty of the clean, blue ocean.

Each dark life we lived, made us appreciate the beauty of a sunrise.

And 2012 will be the year of the sunrise.

Even if clouds are covering the sky of our consciousness, they cannot hide the light of divinity.

2012 is truly the end of the world as we know it. And that is a good thing.

Our world full of hate, wars, corrupt politicians, greedy businessmen, messed up families, abandoned children is going to end. Pain, disease, hunger, natural disasters is not what the divinity had in mind for us.

A new world is slowly starting. One in which we'll start to see, one in which we'll understand.

No person is different than another, no religion is more religious than the other. No person is richer or poorer as we all have the world as inheritance.

2012 will be a good year, but not as good as 2013 that will be nothing compared to 2014.

Each day will be a better day than the one before it, even if we might not notice it. But we will notice.

The bad thoughts will be gone as the origin of the bad thoughts will disappear. They never belonged to us so we are not to be blamed or feel guilty.

We just did not know better as our eyes were not in right order.

As an out of focus camera cannot record correctly a video for no fault or its own, so we are out of tune with the reality. Not for long though.

The master musician is out at work to tune us, adjust us so that the music of the heavens can be played through us.

We'll begin to do things we never thought we could. Some of us will write books and be amazed at their content as we'll not recognize it as our own. Some will play music instruments, some will sing beautifully.

But more than that, we'll start enjoying life. It will all make sense, for the first time. Life will make sense, every day will be joyous. What else is there to want?

What should we do about it? Nothing, just enjoy the trip, enjoy the symphony the Composer is writing as we speak.

Each of us is no more, no less than an instrument in the musical piece He is creating.

Jan 13, 2012

Jan 11, 2012

Jan 9, 2012


brrr, air is cold, winter is chilly
still flying high
the birds

Jan 6, 2012

Jan 4, 2012

into the lake

jumping into the lake
water splashing all over
none on the duck

Jan 3, 2012